Rostenkowski: The Pursuit of Power and the End of the Old Politics

Rostenkowski: The Pursuit of Power and the End of the Old Politics

Books / Paperback

BooksBiography & AutobiographyPolitical

ISBN: 1566633109 / Publisher: Ivan R. Dee, August 2000

Price Starting at $10.01

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This scrupulous political biography of Dan Rostenkowski follows his rise to power from modest origins in the Democratic ward politics of Chicago's Polish northwest side, through his national legislative triumphs, and ultimately to his criminal conviction and imprisonment for abuses of House practice. But the story offers much more than Rostenkowski's personal tragedy: it's a tale of the transformation of American political life, and of the fall of old-fashioned congressional politics. "An insider's story. Anybody wanting to understand Congress and its place in American politics should read it."—Jim Wright. "Masterful...not just a book on Rostenkowski; Cohen has spun the tale of the entire modern period of Congress."—Larry Sabato. Read More
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