Life Choices: The Teachings of Abortion

Life Choices: The Teachings of Abortion

Books / Paperback

BooksSocial ScienceFeminism & Feminist Theory

BooksSocial ScienceWomen's Studies

BooksSocial ScienceAbortion & Birth Control

ISBN: 1591811740 / Publisher: Sentient Publications, October 2011

Price Starting at $10.90

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Life Choices is a bold exploration of the spiritual essence of abortion, the historical context for it, and how it leads us to live with more awareness. Abortion has lessons to teach everyone about making conscious choices in our lives and opens the way to a greater connection with love, death, power, and all life. The essentially pro-life nature of abortion asks us to accept death as part of the flow of life. The failure to understand this contributes to the ferocious abortion wars. Read More
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Collectible - Very Good Signed

Signed Copy Collectible - Very Good. Signed/Inscribed by author on title page.


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