The Musical Circle of John Singer Sargent By Debussy, Claude, Brahms, Johannes, Faur‚, Gabriel, Ravel, Maurice [Composer], Rouvier, Jacques, Andr‚ Navarra [Cello], Annie D'Arco, Guy Dangain, Heisser, Jean-Fran‡ois, and Paraskivesco, Th‚odore Music / CD Music › Classical Music UPC: 713746113827 / Publisher: Harmonia Mundi Fr., February 1999 Price Starting at $6.39 Free Shipping Send to a friend Add to Wishlist Below is a list of products arranged by condition. Select the quantity of the product you desire and click the "Add" button. Used - Very Good Very Good condition. Audio CD. Case Very Good. Quality guaranteed! In original artwork/packaging unless otherwise noted. $6.39 2 in Stock at Warehouse Quantity Add Free Shipping to continental U.S. OR $1.00 per item discount if shipped to store.